Not available to students majoring in Chinese.

Only available to those in the 2021-2022 catalog or later. Other classes should follow the Interdisciplinary Clusters 通路.


Department or Program:
Modern 语言s and Literatures

“Chinese Society and Culture” is an interdisciplinary Discovery that combines approaches from the humanities, 社会科学, 科学, and business to study one of the most dynamic cultural areas of the world. The courses offer both general historical contexts and discipline-specific training to help students develop crucial understanding of the diverse traditions and contemporary transformations of Chinese-speaking countries of the world. The Discovery also prepares students to reexamine other societies and cultures from a comparative perspective. Professors teaching these courses are experts in their own disciplines with linguistic and cultural competencies that can be shared with their students both within and outside the classroom.


a) Completion of at least 3 hours from:
GEOS 1307 Geology, Resources, and Environmental Issues of China
分1310 Intro to Asian Art: China
杂志1322年 Ecology and Bioconservation of China
下巴2311 Chinese Civilization
东2316 The Folk Ecology of Fengshui
嘘1320 中国历史

b) Completion of at least 6 hours from:
下巴3305 The Culture of Taiwan
下巴3312 Chinese Cinema: A Historical and Cultural Perspective
下巴3313 Cities of Strangers: Trans-Cultural Chinese Cinema
下巴3314 Chinese Literature in Translation
GEOS 3319 Field Geology in China (Prerequisite: one course in GEOS or consent of instructor)
嘘/下巴3420 Gender in China, 1500-Present
3428年菲尔 The Philosophies of China
INTB /下巴3330 Global Business Culture
可靠性/下巴3433 Chinese Religions: Unity and Diversity
PLSI /下巴3443 Chinese Foreign Policy
PLSI /下巴3366 Governance and Public Policy in Contemporary China
BUSN /下巴3367 Comparative Views of Modern China
分/下巴3376 Contemporary Chinese Art

Additional Information

  • A student must complete at least one  Discovery to qualify for graduation
  • Courses in the Discovery must be taken at 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 University.
  • Students can also fulfill the Discovery requirement by completing a second major or a minor.
See further requirements



The Discovery requirement is one element within the Pathways curriculum. Although many 发现 are housed in academic departments, 发现 are distinct from majors or minors. For the requirements associated with specific majors or minors, see the Courses of Study Bulletin